M. D. Friedman's Poetry Blog

Orignal poetry and reflections from one the internet's favorite poets.

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Location: Lafayette, Colorado, United States

M. D. Friedman is a poet, teacher, musician, photographer, digital artist and web master from Lafayette, Colorado where he resides with his wife, Mariamne Engle Friedman, and his son, Max.  In the spring of 2006 he retired from teaching in the public education factories to pursue the creative arts.  His fourth book of poetry, Where We Reach, was recently released and combines his poetry with his original photographs and artwork.

He is the founder of the Internet Poets’ Cooperative website which features over 20 free volumes of e-books from poets around the world and over 200 free audio recordings of dozens of Colorado poets reading their own work. His newest web site, http://www.digitaldada.org, represents an effort to explore the transformational impact of digital creation on common culture. His personal web site, http://www.mdfriedman.com offers access to all of M. D. Friedman’s creative ventures.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Spam Nation

Spam Nation

Smaller cuts
benefits second.
It’s the best thing
you had ever seen!
Every man wants it!
Read a letter.
Impress your girl
with prolonged hardness,
plentiful explosions,
increased duration.
Pay attention to the letter.
For anyone who wants
to become a champion in bed.
Your future, palm willow.
Your money, pasch egg.

This is a found poem and work in progress as the spam keeps coming!

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